Comprehensive income statement | 2023/12/31 RMB'000 | 2022/12/31 RMB'000 | 2021/12/31 RMB'000 |
Income | 1,054,702 | 917,780 | 930,992 |
Cost of sales | (719,174) | (656,379) | (647,178) |
Gross margin | 335,528 | 261,401 | 283,814 |
Other income and net income | 67,288 | 69,690 | 40,197 |
Sales and distribution expenses | (84,561) | (69,223) | (64,689) |
Administrative expenses | (138,415) | (116,387) | (112,359) |
Research and development costs | (113,588) | (90,064) | (84,064) |
Other expenses and net loss | (4,605) | (5,033) | (13,656) |
Finance costs | (11,044) | (7,648) | (10,338) |
Profit before tax | 46,970 | 38,886 | 36,623 |
Income tax expenses | (22,008) | (15,859) | (18,072) |
Profit for the year | 24,962 | 23,027 | 18,551 |
The following individuals are entitled to share profits: | |||
Owner of the parent company | 31,547 | 23,986 | 15,459 |
Non-controlling interests | (6,585) | (959) | 3,092 |
Earnings per Share - Basic (RMB: Fen) | 1.94 | 1.47 | 0.95 |
Earnings per share - diluted (RMB: Fen) | 1.93 | 1.47 | 0.94 |
Consolidated balance sheet | 2023/12/31 RMB'000 | 2022/12/31 RMB'000 | 2021/12/31 RMB'000 |
Property, plant and equipment | 635,866 | 513,308 | 516,782 |
Total non current assets | 844,023 | 753,542 | 717,623 |
Inventory | 229,919 | 163,114 | 206,457 |
Trade receivables and notes receivable | 814,606 | 798,243 | 629,345 |
Cash and cash equivalents | 799,300 | 618,768 | 587,176 |
Total current assets | 1,993,430 | 1,743,081 | 1,659,518 |
Trade payables and bills payable | 301,529 | 250,837 | 182,092 |
Interest bearing bank loans | 226,100 | 45,990 | 104,088 |
Total Current Liabilities | 691,655 | 408,869 | 398,928 |
Total equity | 1,921,661 | 1,913,948 | 1,799,553 |
Comprehensive income statement | 2024/6/30 RMB'000 (Unaudited) | 2023/6/30 RMB'000 (Unaudited) | 2022/6/30 RMB'000 (Unaudited) |
Income | 655,758 | 459,480 | 420,402 |
Cost of sales | (420,974) | (335,298) | (304,348) |
Gross margin | 234,784 | 124,182 | 115,694 |
Other income and benefits | 34,335 | 32,779 | 24,788 |
Sales and distribution costs | (47,940) | (37,354) | (35,027) |
Administrative expenses | (83,660) | (67,939) | (60,422) |
Research and development costs | (67,756) | (51,798) | (39,746) |
Other expenses and losses | (24,866) | (375) | (2,112) |
Finance costs | (8,541) | (4,045) | (3,896) |
Profit before tax/(loss) | 36,349 | (4,970) | (4,152) |
Income tax expenses | (15,416) | (8,412) | (6,765) |
Profit during the period/(loss) | 20,933 | (13,382) | (10,917) |
The following individuals should be included in the income/(loss): | |||
Owner of the parent company | 33,722 | (6,088) | (7,149) |
Non-controlling interests | (12,789) | (7,294) | (3,768) |
Earnings per share - Basic(RMB:Fen) | (2.09) | (0.37) | (0.44) |
Earnings per share - diluted(RMB:Fen) | (2.09) | (0.37) | (0.44) |
Consolidated balance sheet | 2024/6/30 RMB'000 (Unaudited) | 2023/6/30 RMB'000 (Audited) | 2022/6/30 RMB'000 (Audited) |
Property, plant and equipment | 659,133 | 635,866 | 513,308 |
Total non current assets | 965,873 | 844,023 | 753,542 |
Inventory | 318,233 | 229,919 | 163,114 |
Trade receivables and notes receivable | 1,074,495 | 814,606 | 798,243 |
Cash and cash equivalents | 463,093 | 799,300 | 618,768 |
Total current assets | 1,935,025 | 1,993,430 | 1,743,081 |
Trade payables and bills payable | 371,911 | 301,529 | 250,837 |
Interest bearing bank and other loans | 243,350 | 226,100 | 75,990 |
Total Current Liabilities | 772,150 | 691,655 | 408,869 |
Total equity | 1,931,090 | 1,921,661 | 1,913,948 |
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