·GB/T6115.1 Series Capacitors for Power Systems - Part 1: General
·GB/T 6115.2 Series Capacitors for Power Systems - Part 1: General
·GB/T6115.3 Series Capacitors for Power Systems - Part 3: Internal Fuse
·GB/T 311.1 Insulation Co-ordination Part 1: Definitions, Principles and Rules
·JB/T 7114 Insulation Co-ordination Part 1: Definitions, Principles and Rules
·IEC 60143-1 Series capacitor for power systems-Part1: General
·IEC 60143-2 Series capacitor for power systems-Par2: Protective equipment for seriescapacitor banks
·IEC 60143-3 Series capacitor for power systems-Part3: Internalfuses