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Anode Saturable Reactor
ETT-1100 anode saturable reactor

Valve reactor is a key component used to protect thyristors in high-voltage DC transmission converter valve devices. According to the structure of valve saturable reactor, we divide it into two types: one is shell structure without damping device; the other is core structure with damping device. The role of the two structures of reactors is the same. The advantage of shell structure is low noise, and the advantage of core structure is low temperature rise.

ETT-1100 anode saturable reactor

ETT-1100 product

The ETT-1100 product was developed by Jiashan Huarui SUN.KING Company in 2015 and is suitable for reactors with a voltage level of ±1100kV converter valves. With the increase in the voltage level of the converter valve, the R&D team of SUN.KING Company fully considered the stability of the long-term operation of the product and focused on the heating problem during the operation of the reactor in the design. After many internal R&D trials, the design structure of the reactor was finally determined. After repeated testing and testing, all performances can meet customer requirements. In October 2016, a synthetic loop test was carried out at the customer's site to further verify the reliability of the product.

Main technical parameters
Technical indicatorsValue
Applicable converter valve system voltage±1100kV
Applicable converter valve system current5500A
Power frequency inductance575×(1±10%)μH
Voltage-time area(Dy)140×(1±10%)mVs
DC resistance≤0.4mΩ
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