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Capacitor device category
High voltage filter capacitor device

High-voltage filter devices are mainly used in places where there are harmonic sources in 6kV, 10kV and 35kV power supply systems. The device is mainly composed of a proper combination of filter capacitor, filter reactors and resistors. After precise tuning, the filter presents low impedance to high-order harmonic currents of a certain frequency, thereby absorbing harmonic currents on site to improve the quality of power.

High voltage filter capacitor device
Product Features

GB 50227-2008 "Design Specifications for Shunt Capacitor Devices"
DL/T 604-2009 "Technical Conditions for Use of High Voltage Shunt Capacitor Devices"
GB/T 11024.1-2010 "Shunt Capacitors for AC Power Systems with Nominal Voltages Above 1kV Part 1: General Principles"
GB 311.1-2012 "Insulation Coordination Part 1: Definitions, Principles and Rules"
GB/T 14549-93 "Power Quality Public Grid Harmonics"
GB/T 16927.1-2011 "High Voltage Test Technology Part 1: General Definitions and Test Requirements"
GB 10229-88 "Reactors" - Tuned Reactors
DL/T 840-2003 "Technical Conditions for the Use of High Voltage Shunt Capacitors"
JB/T 7114-2005 "Model Compilation Method for Power Capacitors"
IEC 60871-1:2005 "Shunt capacitor for a.c. power systems having a rated voltage above 1000V—Part 1:General"
IEC 60871-2:2005 "Shunt capacitor for a.c. power systems having a rated voltage above 1000V—Part 2:Endurance testing"
IEC 60871-3:2005 "Shunt capacitor for a.c. power systems having a rated voltage above 1000V—Part 3:Protection of shunt capacitor and shunt capacitor banks"
IEC 60871-4:2005 "Shunt capacitor for a.c. power systems having a rated voltage above 1000V—Part 4: internal fuses"

Applicable range

Metallurgical industry: rolling mills, tube mills, and rolling mills driven by AC or DC converters DC arc furnaces powered by rectifiers AC arc furnaces powered by AC phosphorus furnaces and various ore furnace loads

Power system: reactive power compensation and voltage stability control of substations Long-distance power transmission

Electrified railways: electrified railway locomotive onboard devices Dynamic reactive compensation devices for traction stations Partition booth voltage and reactive control devices

Water supply company: variable frequency speed regulating unit

Petrochemical industry: various rectifier loads, electrolytic loads, mineral heat and electric heating loads

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