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Flexible AC Transmission Technology Products

The FC device can implement filtering and reactive power compensation for high-voltage power grids up to 110kV, and supports automatic switching. The FC device provided fully takes into account the on-site working conditions and various changes to achieve the optimal design, filtering without amplifying harmonics, improving power factor without reverse reactive power.


· Application areas: metallurgy, power and electric systems, new energy power generation, electrified railways, nonferrous chemicals, coal mines, petroleum, etc.

· The frame type can be used for outdoor or indoor layout. It consists of full-film capacitor, air-core reactors, discharge coils, lightning arresters, isolation switches and AC transformers.

· The cabinet-type reactive power compensation device consists of full-film capacitor, iron-core reactors, discharge coils, lightning arresters, isolation switches, contactors, controllers and current transformers.

Main parameters
Voltage level6kV10kV27.5kV35kV110kV
Rated capacity of single group0~10MVA0~16MVA0~20MVA*0~60MVA0~180MVA
Power factor compensation effectGreater than 0.92, less than 1
Harmonic indexFiltering effect meets national standard GB/T14549
Cabinet-type device control panel cabinet size800×800×2200 (length×width×height), the number of control panel cabinets varies according to the project configuration
Noise levelLess than 60dB
Product modelVoltage level (kV)Capacity range (MVA)Installation formFrame installation dimensions Length × Width (mm)Layout
TBBG-660~10MVAIndoor fixed installation or outdoor frame installation5400×1650Cabinet type
TBBG-10100~16MVA6900×1650Cabinet type
TBBH-27.527.50~20MVAOutdoor frame installation7500×4000Single phase
TBBH-35350~60MVA9000×6500Phase separation
TBBH-1101100~180MVA12000×7000Phase separation
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